Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Which is more important, talent or hard work? E52 (Pip Rasmussen - Part 2)
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
This week’s episode is Part 2 of our chat with ABC TV host and Triple J radio personality, Pip Rasmussen. We kick off the show with a lengthy discussion about how your attitude towards your work is often more important to your career progression than your talent alone. With that being said, Pip also highlights how having a proactive attitude means you must be constantly looking to take on more responsibilities and upskill yourself throughout your career. The show then culminates with our guest talking about the different skills she has had to develop in order to succeed in the entertainment industry and where she hopes to be career-wise in five years.
What we talk about
Talent vs work ethic
Upskilling yourself and taking on new responsibilities
Taking risks and pursuing your passions
Links from this episode
https://www.instagram.com/piprasmussen/?hl=en (Pip on Instagram)
https://twitter.com/PipRasmussen (Pip on Twitter)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/pip-rasmussen-9a1b7673/ (Pip on LinkedIn)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
How to break into the entertainment industry E51 (Pip Rasmussen - Part 1)
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
In this episode, we talk to Pip Rasmussen, an ABC TV host and Triple J radio personality. In part 1 of our discussion, Pip gives some insight into the nature of both the TV and radio industries, as well as the professional pathways you can follow to enter them. This then leads into an interesting discussion pertaining to the value of unpaid internships and work experience more generally. From there, Germaine asks our guest to share how she was able to develop a strong work ethic and the perseverance needed to work in such a demanding industry.
What we talk about
Professional pathways into the media industry
The value of work experience and unpaid internships
Perseverance and pushing your personal boundaries
Links from this episode
https://www.instagram.com/piprasmussen/?hl=en (Pip on Instagram)
https://twitter.com/PipRasmussen (Pip on Twitter)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/pip-rasmussen-9a1b7673/ (Pip on LinkedIn)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
The skills you need to succeed in marketing E50 (Germaine Muller - Part 2)
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
After a little under a year of recording, the Future Tribe Podcast has finally reached its 50th episode and we can’t be thankful enough for all the support along the way!
Like last week we are commemorating this occasion by interviewing our fortunate, formidable and highly favoured host, Germaine Muller, so if you haven’t listened to part one of this interview we highly recommend checking out last weeks episode. We are also excited to announce that the full video version of our chat with Germaine is also available now on Youtube at https://youtu.be/0YVMbdcbn64
As for the content of the show, we continue our discussion with Germaine about the nature of being a business owner and ask him to share his biggest success’ as well as failures. We then ask Germaine to give his perspective on what attributes you need to have in order to succeed in the marketing industry as an employer. This covers topics such as whether you need a university degree, what software suites you should familiarise yourself with and how to tell if marketing is right for you.
What we talk about
The logistics of starting your own business
The pathways into the marketing industry
What skills must you have to succeed in marketing
Link to the video for this episode
Where to find Germaine
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The current state of digital marketing E49 (Germaine Muller - Part 1)
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
To celebrate us reaching our 50th episode (next week), we thought it would be interesting to shake up the formula and interview our host Germaine Muller. When he isn’t recording podcasts, Germaine typically spends his days running Futuretheory, a marketing agency based in Canberra, Australia, and looking after his mischievous dog Kalu. In part 1 of our conversation, Germaine shares his insight into the current state of digital marketing and how the COVID-19 epidemic will affect the industry. This topic eventually leads to a discussion regarding the common mistakes he sees businesses make in their online marketing strategies and some general advice on how to avoid them. The show then culminates in Germaine talking about the logistics of starting your own business and what it takes to go out on your own.
What we talk about
Current trends in digital marketing
Common mistakes businesses make in their marketing strategies
The logistics of starting your own business
Link to the video for this episode
Where to find Germaine
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday May 28, 2020
Setting goals that align with your personal values E48 (Our Freedom Years - Part 2)
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
This week's episode is the second part of our discussion with travel YouTubers, Stephanie and Gillian. The show begins with our guests discussing their vastly different paths to financial freedom, as well as what made them decide to pursue their unique lifestyle. Afterwards, the pair talk about the nature of multimedia content creation and how it has actually enriched their travelling experience as opposed to taking away from it. Finally, we cap off this episode with a very deep dive into the importance of constant self-reflection and setting goals that align with your values.
What we talk about
Different paths to financial freedom
The nature of online video and content creation more generally
The need to reflect on your personal values in order to set personal goals
Links from this episode
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOifciyAr6Cj6eD2qaQtRvw (Our Freedom Years on YouTube)
https://ourfreedomyears.com/ (Our Freedom Years' website)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday May 21, 2020
Investment tips for retiring early E47 (Our Freedom Years - Part 1)
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
This episode is Part 1 of our discussion with travel YouTubers, Stephanie and Gillian. The pair subscribe to the financial independence movement and have been able to retire before the age of 40 so they can spend their days travelling the world. Our discussion begins with the ladies giving some insight into their past careers as well as what tactics they used to live such frugal lifestyles. This then leads to Steph and Gill highlighting some of the investment strategies they utilised in order to fund their lifestyle and what mistakes they made along the way. The episode culminates in a great discussion relating to how we should all reflect upon our purchasing behaviour and decide whether it is actually improving our happiness.
What we talk about
Living frugally and how to avoid lifestyle inflation
Investment do's and don'ts
The need to reflect on the purchases you make daily
Links from this episode
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOifciyAr6Cj6eD2qaQtRvw (Our Freedom Years on YouTube)
https://ourfreedomyears.com/ (Our Freedom Years' website)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday May 14, 2020
The nature of online courses and how to find your niche E46 (Kat McLead - Part 2)
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
This week's episode is Part 2 of our discussion with online business consultant, Kat McLead. Our conversation starts off with Kat talking about the difficulty she faced building credibility for her courses online, despite working in the industry for over a decade. This then leads into a deep dive into the nature of online courses, why so many people don’t finish them and what to price yours at. The episode culminates with Kat and Germaine imparting some wisdom regarding the need for long-term business goals and why your company should target a niche market
What we talk about
Building credibility online
The nature of online courses and how to sell them effectively
Niche vs broad markets
The importance of long-term goals
Links from this episode
https://www.sahmentrepreneur.com/ (Kat’s website)
https://anchor.fm/kat-mclead (Kat’s podcast)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday May 07, 2020
How to manage your time and tackle big projects E45 (Kat McLead - Part 1)
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
This week's episode is Part 1 of our discussion with online business consultant, Kat McLead. During our chat, Kat talks about her entrepreneurial journey and addresses the question of whether someone is born a self-starter or if it can be learned. We also ask her about what time management tips she has for our audience and why it is so difficult to start big projects. The episode then culminates in Kat and Germaine imparting some really valuable advice about ensuring you have conducted proper industry and market research prior to starting your online business
What we talk about
Is someone born an entrepreneur?
Finding a work-life balance
How to tackle big projects
Why you need to conduct market research prior to starting your business
Links from this episode
https://www.sahmentrepreneur.com/ (Kat’s website)
https://anchor.fm/kat-mclead (Kat’s podcast)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
This week's episode is Part 2 of our discussion with the Founder & CEO of Famzoo, Bill Dwight. On this episode with Bill, he talks about his journey to making Famzoo profitable and the importance of personable customer service. This topic then leads to a discussion regarding what tasks you should not outsource or automate at your start-up. The episode culminates in a lengthy discussion about why entrepreneurs should be receptive to business partners and renegotiating unfavourable business contracts.
What we talk about
The path to profitability
The importance of good customer service
Why you shouldn’t outsource certain tasks
How having a business partner can benefit you and your company’s decision-making process
Links from this episode
https://www.famzoo.com/ (Famzoo website)
https://twitter.com/FamZoo (Bill on Twitter)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
This week's episode is Part 1 of our discussion with the Founder & CEO of Famzoo, Bill Dwight. During our chat with Bill, he talks about Famzoo and his greater goal of helping kids become more financially literate. This conversation eventually leads into talking about his extensive industry experience in Silicon Valley and culminates in Bill discussing he left a well-paying career in favour of self-employment and how this has changed the type of work he does day-to-day.
What we talk about
The importance of teaching financial literacy at a young age
How your online footprint allows advertisers to target you more effectively
How being a CEO or executive at a company can force you to take a step back from hands-on projects.
Links from this episode
https://www.famzoo.com/ (Famzoo's website)
https://twitter.com/FamZoo (Bill on Twitter)
Find us elsewhere
https://futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe Website)
https://www.instagram.com/futuretri.be/ (Future Tribe on Instagram)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/germainemuller/ (Germaine on LinkedIn)
https://www.instagram.com/germa_ne/ (Germaine on Instagram)
https://futuretheory.com.au/ (Futuretheory Website)